Monday, January 30, 2017

Lonely Dog Behaviours

His original painting “The Lonely Dog” sitting in his studio for over a year unframed and facing the wall – has now taken the world by storm ready to capture the imaginations of all.

Warner Brothers have embraced his paintings telling the story of a dog’s journey – “The Lonely Dog”.   Seeing his art first hand gave you an instant feel for what was to come.

Behaviours That Indicate your Dog is Lonely

There are several behaviors that can indicate that a dog is feeling lonely, such as:

Excessive barking or whining: Dogs may bark or whine more than usual when they are feeling lonely or stressed.

Destructive behavior: Dogs may chew on furniture, shoes or other household items when they are bored or lonely.

Loss of appetite: Dogs may lose interest in food when they are lonely or stressed.

Increased sleep or decreased energy: Dogs may sleep more or have less energy when they are feeling lonely or stressed.

Separation anxiety: Dogs may become anxious or stressed when left alone, which can manifest in destructive or disruptive behaviors.

Excessive grooming: Dogs may excessively lick or chew themselves when they are feeling anxious or stressed.

lack of interest in playing and training

Depression or lethargy

It's important to note that some of these behaviors can also be caused by medical issues, so if you notice any concerning changes in your dog's behavior, it's a good idea to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health problems.

It's important to address their loneliness as early as possible, to prevent further behavioral issues. providing them with more attention, walks, playtime, and training. Also, it's a good idea to consider getting them a companion if possible, whether it's another dog or another animal species.

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